About Me

How My Journey Began
I had no idea how much food actually matters. It impacts everything: your environment, your health, and your energy.

The various systems of our body that keep us going need a profile of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, etc. And that is just the tip of the ice berg in understanding science.

When I examined my food choices, it's a miracle my body could function at all. Over time I have learned  that there is a big difference between functioning and thriving. It is not normal to feel tired, have headaches, or feel aches and pains.

The only time I had any concept that food matters was when I gained weight, so I would go on the latest fad diet. As soon as I lost the weight, I would eventually go back to my old eating habits until I became sick. That is when my sustainable food journey began.

I took two things out of my diet: hydrogenated oils (trans fats) and sugar. Unlike today, most items on the grocery store shelves had one or both of these items. I could only find 2-3 items on the shelf that did not have them. As a result, my only choice was to buy more whole foods. In a short amount of time, I felt better, lost weight effortlessly, and never had to go on a diet again. Constant exposure to processed foods increased my temptation to consume it. Two things I noticed shortly after eating it: I did not feel well and I no longer liked the taste. My food habits changed from craving donuts to craving salad.

Dr. Libby Gustin is an associate professor of Hospitality Management at California State University, Long Beach. She holds a BA in Restaurant and Hospitality Management from the University of Alabama, a MBA from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a PhD in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She has over 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry (restaurants, and catering). She has taught at Washington State University in Austria and Switzerland and has over 24 years of teaching experience. She has consulted for the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. Dr. Gustin’s research, community and practical interests focus on ecological issues in the hospitality industry. The specific focus is on understanding the impact of sustainable foods on the health of people, planet and profit (the triple bottom line). 

Gustin, L., Carson, D. and Reiboldt, W. (2015). Successes and challenges using a train-the-trainer approach: educating children about nutrition and physical activity in after-school programs. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 108 (1), 55-61. 

Gray, V., Gustin, L., Jensen, L. and Smith, K. (2015). Validating the made-from-scratch vs traditional style approach for improving the nutritional quality of heart start menus. Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition, 7(6), 355-366.  

Gustin, L. & Young, H. (2014). Effect of environmental product information and ethnicity on millennials’ brand attitude and purchase intention. International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, 2 (6), 77-88.

Iurkevych O., Gustin, L., Blecher, L., & Reiboldt, W. (2014). College students’ 
attitudes, perceived consumer effectiveness and intention to dine at a green restaurant. International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, 2(1).

Gustin, L., Carson, D. and Reiboldt, W.  (2012). Teaching Food Safety. Health Education Teaching Techniques Journal, 2, 48-55.

Tu, Y., Yeh, R., Gustin, L., Tsai, H., & Hu, S.  (2011). Effects of Hotel Employees’ Uniform On Customers’ Perceptions of Employee Performance and Company Image. Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, 11(1)106-116.

Gustin, L. with Gustin, A. (2004, April/May). Rosen Method A Listening Hand. Massage and Bodywork.

Gustin, M. E. (2001). Think for Yourself: Bringing Critical Thinking Skills to the Classroom. Journal of Hospitality Education, 13(1).

Gustin, M. E. and Weaver, P. A. (1996). Are Hotels Prepared for the Environmentally Minded Consumer? Hospitality Research Journal (now Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research), 20(2).

Gustin, M. E. and Kwansa, F. (1995/96). Risk Analysis for a Private Firm: A Case Study. Journal of Hospitality Finance Management, 4(1).

Gustin, M. E. and Weaver, P. A. (1993). The Mature Market: Underlying Dimensions and Group Differences of a Potential Market for the Hotel Industry. FIU Hospitality Review, 11(2).

Weaver, P. A. and Gustin, M. E. (1993) The Mature Market as the Pleasure Traveler. Gerontology Research Review, Fall.

Badinelli, K., Davis, N. and Gustin, L. (1991). Senior Traveler Study — America’s Mature Market Not Content to While Away Their Days. Hotel Motel Management, 206 (14).

Parsa, H.G., Gustin, M. E. and Khan, M. A. (1990). Potential Conflict Points in Franchiser-Franchisee Relations: An Exploratory Study of Fast Food Franchise Systems. Hospitality Research Journal, 14(2).

Gustin, L. and Gray, V. (2016). Transitioning from Typical to Made-from-Scratch Child Care Menus in a Southern California Central Kitchen: Process and Nutritional Gains. Refereed poster session for the Western CHRIE Conference, Denver, CO.

Gustin, L. (2016). Sustainable Cooking intervention to address barriers to culinary habits and food choices: how to buy store and prepare meals from basic ingredients. Refereed poster session for the Western CHRIE Conference, Denver, CO.

Banks, E.,  Gustin, L., and Claver, M (2015). Enhancing Campus-Wide Engagement Through the Development of a Service Learning Community of Practice. Presentation at the 18th Annual Continuums of Service Conference, Long Beach, California 

Claver, M., Gustin, L., Goeller, C. and Banks, E. (2015). Fostering Grit through Engaged Learning. Presentation at CSU Symposium on University Teaching, "GRIT: Exploring perseverance, mindset and character in the classroom." California State University, Los Angeles.

Blecher, L. & Gustin, L. (2015). Service Learning in Hospitality Curriculum: A Review of Current Practices. Refereed presentation for Western CHRIE Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Gustin, L., Ha, Y., and Aghekyan-Simonian, M. (2014). The impact of environmental product information and ethnicity on consumer brand attitude and purchase intention. Presentation at the 2nd Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium "Systems Thinking For A Sustainable Economy." Rome, Italy.

Gustin, L. (2013). Teaching-Decision Making Skills: Following Your Gut. Presentation for Western CHRIE Winter Regional Conference, Denver, CO.

Iurkevych, O., Gustin, L., Blecher, L. & Reiboldt, W. (July, 2011). College Students’ Attitudes, Perceived Consumer Effectiveness and Intention to Dine at a Green Restaurant. Refereed presentation for International CHRIE Conference, Denver, CO.

Yeh, R., Gustin, L., & Chuang, N. (July, 2011). The Importance of Cross-Cultural Training for Hotel Expatriates Working in Taiwan. Refereed presentation for International CHRIE Conference, Denver, CO.

Gustin, L. (Feb., 2011). Preparing students for the shifts in Foodservice concerning Ethical Food. Presentation for Western CHRIE Winter Regional Conference, Denver, CO.

Yeh, R. & Gustin, L. (Feb., 2011). Effects Of Hotel Employees’ Uniform On Customers’ Perceptions Of Employee Performance And Company Image. Presentation for Western CHRIE Winter Regional Conference, Denver, CO.

Aghekyan, M., Gustin, L., & Forsythe, S. (2010 July). Brand Image, Environmental Features, and Purchase Intentions. Abstract accepted for the European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies (EIRASSS) 17th international Conference on Recent Advantages in Retailing and Services Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. (First two authors had equal contribution)

Gustin, M. E., Kaufman, T. J., Horn, G. & Weaver, P.A. (1994). An Exploratory Study Regarding Environmentally Oriented Lodging Services, Presentation for Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Palm Springs, CA. 

Gustin, M. E.,  & Kwansa, F (1993). Risk Analysis for a Private Firm: A Case Study. Presentation for Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Chicago, IL. 

Gustin, M. E. (1993). An Overview of the Current State of Research on Energy Management in the Hospitality Industry. Presentation for Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Chicago, IL. 

Gustin, M. E. and Weaver, P.A. (1992). The Mature Travel Market: Underlying 
Factors That Determine Hotel Choice. Proceedings from Annual CHRIE Conference: Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Nashville, TN.

Gustin, L., Gray, V. B. (2016).  Sustainable food system. In Toossi, R., Science, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility . Columbia, MO: Global Digital Press. (chapter drafted for review)

Gray, V. B., Gustin, L. (2016).  Sustainable food: Applications. In Toossi, R., Science, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility. Columbia, MO: Global Digital Press. (chapter drafted for review)

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